Friday, April 8, 2011

Sports Photography

Steel City Derby Demons is one of my favorite things to photograph. Like many sports you never know what is going to happen, but especially with this hard hitting ladies. Every match is a new vengeance and its something you don't want to miss. Here are a couple of photographs from various bouts I attended this spring semester. I tried to capture the aspect of motion in each photograph. I feel that is an aspect that can be missed with fast shutter speeds.  The other great aspect of roller derby is the personalties of each player. This is high energy, high impact, and out of control fun. 
This is an event I recommend everyone attend at least once to try something new and exciting the world of sports photography. 

Another event that has been exciting to photograph would be basketball. Here at Point Park we have a mens and women's team that is actually pretty good and exciting to watch. Here are a few photographs that I took from various games I attended this season.  For basketball it is easy to miss great photographs with a slower camera. I know this because I have a hard time shooting with my nikon d40, but I found loop holes in making a good photograph. These are just two examples of how I can make it work with the equipment that I have. 

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